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Abstract happiness concept artwork (credit: Muhamad Agil/iStock) with the letters "ICIL" overlaid
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Welcome to ICIL! Inclusion, Community and Integrative Learning facilitates care for student communities on campus, proactively fostering positive, inclusive community development and facilitating problem-solving when complex community issues emerge.

Band Run, 2023. Credit: Nikolas Liepins/Ethography

About ICIL

Inclusion, Community and Integrative Learning (ICIL) includes a broad portfolio of responsibilities that support an institutional focus on equity, inclusion, belonging, student learning outside of the classroom, and preparation for meaningful careers and leadership in a complex world.

"Disco Space" illustration
Disability Pride + Visibility

Disability Community (DisCo) Space

Disability is a core identity for the lives of many. It is vital that students with disabilities at Stanford have a space where they can comfortably express themselves and establish a community. We hope that this space is able to nurture and empower that community. 

Upcoming ICIL Events

FACES, 2023. Credit: Chris Tuite / Ethography